The Advice Line FAQs
what is The Advice Line?
please see our about page
what is the purpose of The Advice Line?
please see our about page
who runs The Advice Line?
wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy?
why did you create The Advice Line?
please see our about page
are you harvesting my data?
prob not
why should I trust you?
trust no one. especially your “friend” Jake. watch out for that guy, he’s out to get you.
i called in to give advice and accidentally fell in love with the beautiful, sultry voice of my advice inquirer! help! please! i must be connected with them or i fear i will faint from dismay and heartbreak
we are very sorry to hear this. unfortunately we take our confessionals very seriously and have sworn an oath of anonymity. you are, however, welcome to leave them advice after the beep.
is this some weird religious thing?
strong doubt
i don’t have a phone, can i still call The Advice Line?
what are you doing with all the advice from The Advice Line?
why is it called The Advice Line?
because it’s the line you call to give advice
why does your voice sound so familiar?
next question
why is all the merch out of stock?
The Advice Line merch is in very high demand
when will the merch be back in stock?
how can i contact you?
by leaving some advice after the beep